Dear friends.
In Calgary I was hosted by Rin Verstraten, Rinty in the BMW owners club of America. He is solicitor and barrister and a crazy guy about mortorbikes and cars. He is really proud of his Porsche 911 from 1996, the latest one with 2 valves and air cooler. “The followers Porsches with 4 valves per head and liquid cooler are not real Porsches”. We went to the Oktoberfest in Anderwerk´s workshop ( . Dave Anderwerk is an expert in BMW motorcycles and an adventure rider who usually goes to Mexico. He knew about me (I do not how) and was really friendly. He gave me as a gift a fantastic and useful pocket tool.
Right I am in Fort Frances, Province of Ontario. I paid an expensive bill to be here. From Calgary there are two flat provinces: Saskatchewan and Manitoba. About 1600 km of motorway just in my mind and listening music. I had been told it was going to be too boring, but sometimes I like just to feel myself lost in a big open immensity. I love deserts and loneliness, but the weather was bad: rain, hard wind and cold. Two days of dirty job. But you know, someone has to do it.
My friend Paul France told me riding a motorcycle is like drinking beer. You always have to pay the price for happiness, but usually when you drink beer the bill is just after the good times and is called hangover. When riding the bill is a long boring road with bad weather or a big traffic jam, especially here, in America, where is forbidden overtaking when stopped in city or go among the cars when they go slow. They called it “splitting the lane” and is only allowed in California. But if you can not split the lane, what is the point of buying a motorcycle. Ok, I can guess the reason are places like the lakes in Ontario. Today it´s been a perfect day. The sunshine and the green forest and the soft road, not too twisty but smooth in its bends.
I was thinking on my way about reasons to travel. Why people travel? Know other people, cultures, food or sceneries? That is Ok. I am doing it but reading the best book available: the Road. I´ve seen to many roads and streets so far and I can say a road says more than anything else of a country and its population. I like Canada and its roads, streets and alleys. They are full of crazy and funny people going and coming: guys in bicycle who seems to go really far, baggers with a small bag and young hitchhikers walking around. In Vancouver and Calgary I saw the folk musician playing on the street and kids and fellows enjoying in short sleeves the little sun left before the winter.
I am doing the same. Just riding for a while before the coldnow
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